The average house price on WYE CLOSE is £222,014
The most expensive house in the street is 16 WYE CLOSE with an estimated value of £296,910
The cheapest house in the street is 14 WYE CLOSE with an estimated value of £170,265
The house which was most recently sold was 9 WYE CLOSE, this sold on 11 Jul 2023 for £220,000
The postcode for WYE CLOSE is TS19 0UX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WYE CLOSE Detached , 115 m2 £215,696 £175,000 14 Feb 2020
4 WYE CLOSE Detached £224,935 £142,500 20 Feb 2008
9 WYE CLOSE Detached £220,000 11 Jul 2023
10 WYE CLOSE Detached , 85 m2 £205,773 £120,000 20 Jul 2012
11 WYE CLOSE Detached , 90 m2 £193,977 £157,000 1 Nov 2019
12 WYE CLOSE Detached £246,542 £49,995 8 Dec 1997
14 WYE CLOSE Detached , 77 m2 £170,265 £130,000 17 Feb 2017
16 WYE CLOSE Detached £296,910 £58,000 25 Jul 1997